Operational excellence
Transforming the potential of digital technologies into new applications in order to reach levels of business operational excellence never imagined before. This is the commitment of InnovatesApp every time it tackles innovation projects, only achievable thanks to a vast domain of technological and business processes knowledge. The domain extends to all company areas from Administration and Control to Customer Experience, from logistics to production: all in compliance with the different specificities of the Industry in which the different companies operate.
centri di competenza
Human Experience
«IA Smart Network» is the revolutionary professional collaboration App to be used in a simple and non-invasive way, to manage complex and multilateral workflows.
Fully usable through the normal mobile devices of every user’s daily domain and with a “Social Like” user expirence, it allows you to easily configure any type of operational flow by dividing steps and responsibilities among the various players who participate in it. It also allows you to integrate directly with SAP S/4HANA and other business applications to automate some process steps, and all without using direct access to any system. It supports images, videos, voice notes as accessory or mandatory elements of each single step of the designed process.
IA Smart Network also allows the certification of the steps that require it on a Blockchain layer that can be configured as a Public or Private ledger.
IA Smart Network is the app that allows you to revolutionize the way you work in the company and with all the entities that can be integrated with it, such as customers, suppliers, professionals, external authorities.
Experience Management
The amount of information available to companies is growing rapidly and organizations are progressively transforming their processes and decisions. Customers, employees, product and brand positioning are strategic issues for governing changes and predicting the directions in which organizations will have to evolve.
Traditional operational data, O-data must be enriched with new information to deal with, X-data provide new data and new approaches to product positioning, customer behavior, the new needs of our employees and collaborators.
Customer Experience
Optimizing the customer experience when it comes into contact with the company is the true imperative of digital transformation.
The customer experience now goes beyond the purchasing experience and extends to any type of relationship the customer maintains with the company, whether this is the result of an explicit intent or arises from a purely technical interaction. In fact, the customer is now the driving force behind all corporate initiatives to build a circular customer jurney that starts with the acquisition and management of consent based on the GDPR legislation and extends to after-sales assistance, returns and complaints. Equipping yourself with tools capable of guaranteeing quality interactions with your customers is therefore the first step in building this success, then you need to design a customer journey of excellence and finally constantly check its perception by the customer in order to ensure that for the customer is always of maximum satisfaction to approach the company. SAP C/4HANA and SAP CX and SAP QUALTRIX are the «next level» tools that guarantee the construction of the best experience for the most demanding customers.
User Experience
La possibilità di creare una User Experience coinvolgente è sempre più un elemento discriminante per il successo di ogni nuova applicazione dedicata alle aziendale.
Le app SAPUI5 possono essere create con un alto livello di dinamicità e scalabilità e possono “auto-adattarsi” a seconda del dispositivo da cui si effettua l’accesso. Grazie a questa caratteristica, è possibile garantire una esperienza uniforme a tutti i tipi di utilizzatori.
La possibilità di avere un focus diretto sulla fruibilità, sull’interazione e sul “Touch & Feel” dell’applicazione consente di superare i limiti dei paradigmi tradizionali in ottica di completa integrazione completa con il DB nativo SAP HANA.
L’Openess della soluzione consente di avere da un lato un rendering grafico avanzato mediante l’utilizzo di librerie «effective» garantendo nel contempo una completa integrazione con i servizi esterni (es. Google, Amazon, ecc.) e con i social networks. Questa caratteristica consente di coniugare scenari classici di data explore con Analytics che tendono alla interpretazione di dati non strutturati alimentando processi di “Sentiment Analysis”.
centri di competenza
Information capital
The transformation of companies is based on the collection and analysis of data that tell the story of the past and on the discovery of significant models and insights (intuitions) based on science, techniques and technologies aimed at identifying the causes of events and predicting future developments.
In a highly evolving context like the one we are experiencing, the ability to quickly transform large volumes of inhomogeneous data into useful information marks the watershed between companies and successful companies.
InnovatesApp, with its dedicated competence center, made up of a group of experts from all the main industrial sectors, imagines, suggests and develops the most suitable solutions to create value for the customer.
The offer ranges from classic Business Intelligence solutions based on in-memory computing, to solutions that exploit Artificial Intelligence supported by data mining, machine learning and forecasting techniques. All developed to adapt to the customer’s specificities, using the most innovative real-time analytics tools, where data analysis and interpretation are combined with the timeliness with which messages are made available to the business.
Data Management
The continuous and growing circulation of data makes them a precious resource. The domain of data is a critical success factor for companies, capable of elevating them to a real strategic resource. It is in this context that Innovatesapp offers companies the opportunity to enhance their information assets in order to optimize, speed up or automate company production processes or to achieve specific objectives through the design and development of customized software solutions.
In recent years, we have gained important skills working on complex architectures ranging from predictive maintenance projects focused on the analysis of information collected by sensors, rather than management projects.
Our solutions are developed on the SAP HANA platform, an environment optimized for the acquisition and analysis of large volumes of data in real-time which can replace or support pre-existing systems.
The platform includes standard packages to support business processes such as:
• SAP Asset Intelligence Network: module for the centralized management of corporate assets.
• SAP Predictive Maintenance & Service (PdMS): module for identifying potential critical issues.
• SAP HANA Rules Framework (HRF): module for managing and automating business decisions based on rules and rules services.
It also offers specialized tools for acquiring data from external systems such as:
• SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server: Real-time data replication tool.
• SAP Smart Data Access: data virtualization tool.
Other main advantages that can lead companies to opt for a solution developed on the HANA platform are:
• Scalable multicore architecture.
• In-memory processing of large volumes of data.
• Multi-source data management.
• Reception and Processing of Unstructured Data (Social and Natural Language).
InnovatesApp is synonymous with proven experience in the end to end implementation of the entire SAP Leonardo solution for Industry 4.0 through a team of industry experts.
Our strengths:
• Installation, configuration and customization of the SAP Edge package for the IoT and IIoT to collect, filter, aggregate and monitor data from all devices through a wide range of protocols: file, Rest, MQTT, OPC-UA, Modbus, etc.
• Configuration of the IoT Services environment for the management of the Edge gateways and the data coming from them.
• Configuration and customization of the SAP PdMS package for equipment management; implementation and training of Machine Learning algorithms.
• Configuration and Customization of the SAP AIN package for the management of Assets and Digital Twins.
Compliant with SAP guidelines, we offer highly innovative and technological solutions capable of using all the dedicated tools for IoT and ML. Strengthened by our methodology, exploring all possible use cases, we optimize products and platforms, configuring the most appropriate solutions. With the implementation of innovative governance models, we ride the new digital culture of Industry 4.0, with the aim of creating greater dialogue between business and IT by building better, more profitable and sustainable models.
centri di competenza
Operation Excellence
Customer Engagement
In the last decade, customer expectations have profoundly changed and the shopping experience has become increasingly relevant to the
point contribute enormously to the perception of the value of the goods and services purchased. Customer satisfaction and its continuous engagement thus become essential results for every company.
Digital transformation today allows companies greater knowledge and the possibility of interacting with the customer to offer him an experience that goes beyond the purchase of a good or service. These technologies can allow the consolidation of the relationship with the individual customer, also through a greater synergy between the sales, marketing and customer service processes that can easily share the wealth of information that allows to know and therefore better satisfy every customer need.
It has therefore become essential for companies to equip themselves with adequate and innovative technological means and systems, useful for supporting the Customer Engagement process.
InnovatesApp has, in its Sales & Logistics Center of Expertise, a team that has gained many years of experience in the design, development and implementation of SAP application solutions to support the commercial sector of client companies.
Born from the union of professional consultants who have participated in national and international projects on various market sectors (Food & Beverage, Pharma, Utilities, Transportation, Fashion), the Sales & Logistics Center of Expertise of InnovatesApp combines excellent skills on business processes with unique skills on new technologies.
People Management
SAP HCM Successfactor Suite
The SuccessFactors HCM suite is SAP Cloud’s suite of human capital management solutions.
It covers basic human resource management processes, talent management, workforce planning and analytics, social collaboration, and mobile capabilities management. Prepared to respond to requirements in a Global context, it represents one of the leading solutions for process management in the HR area, constantly rated at the top by independent sources such as Gartner, Forrester or IDC.
New Design:
Designed according to the most current criteria of Enhanced User Experience, business Agility and process Gamification.
Always Evolving:
conceived on the Cloud platform, it evolves on a six-monthly basis with constant updating of all the modules of the Suite.
foreseen and already “live”, in the context of HR processes, the management of Human Experience Management through the Qualtrics ™ HXM module. New frontier for the integration of operational and measurable data related to HR, with data related to personnel experience in the employee life cycle.
Many key HR management processes are integrated with HXM and Qualtrics™.
Easy Integration:
Structured to integrate with HR administrative area applications such as Payroll, Time Management and travel and non-HR.
Ready for customer extensions using the features of its framework.
Expandable with custom functionality through the SAP SCP cloud solution (Sap cloud Platform) and the SAP Fiori ™ framework.
Spend Management
InnovatesApp welcomes a wide variety of skills in the Finance sector, having gained many years of experience:
• in complex organizational realities
• in client companies belonging to various sectors of activity
• on international projects
• IA also has multiple experiences on the solutions made available by new generation ERP systems such as S/4HANA and Cloud systems.
By virtue of this, IA is able to guarantee the best and most advanced answers to all the issues specific to the AFC area, designing and implementing the solution that best meets the requirements expressed by the customer.
AI professionals are specialized in the analysis and design of application solutions aimed at supporting the logic of the corporate control model and in the design of solutions on complex aspects such as:
• management of fixed assets
• corporate investment management
• application of Italian and international accounting standards (IFRS)
• planning and budgeting processes
• Bank Account Management and Treasury
• credit assignment
• financial closings
• multi-currency contexts