di competenza

Human Experience

centri di competenza

Human Experience


«IA Smart Network» is the revolutionary professional collaboration App to be used in a simple and non-invasive way, to manage complex and multilateral workflows.

Fully usable through the normal mobile devices of every user’s daily domain and with a “Social Like” user expirence, it allows you to easily configure any type of operational flow by dividing steps and responsibilities among the various players who participate in it. It also allows you to integrate directly with SAP S/4HANA and other business applications to automate some process steps, and all without using direct access to any system. It supports images, videos, voice notes as accessory or mandatory elements of each single step of the designed process.

IA Smart Network also allows the certification of the steps that require it on a Blockchain layer that can be configured as a Public or Private ledger.

IA Smart Network is the app that allows you to revolutionize the way you work in the company and with all the entities that can be integrated with it, such as customers, suppliers, professionals, external authorities.

Experience Management


The amount of information available to companies is growing rapidly and organizations are progressively transforming their processes and decisions. Customers, employees, product and brand positioning are strategic issues for governing changes and predicting the directions in which organizations will have to evolve.

Traditional operational data, O-data must be enriched with new information to deal with, X-data provide new data and new approaches to product positioning, customer behavior, the new needs of our employees and collaborators.

Customer Experience

Optimizing the customer experience when it comes into contact with the company is the true imperative of digital transformation.

The customer experience now goes beyond the purchasing experience and extends to any type of relationship the customer maintains with the company, whether this is the result of an explicit intent or arises from a purely technical interaction. In fact, the customer is now the driving force behind all corporate initiatives to build a circular customer jurney that starts with the acquisition and management of consent based on the GDPR legislation and extends to after-sales assistance, returns and complaints. Equipping yourself with tools capable of guaranteeing quality interactions with your customers is therefore the first step in building this success, then you need to design a customer journey of excellence and finally constantly check its perception by the customer in order to ensure that for the customer is always of maximum satisfaction to approach the company. SAP C/4HANA and SAP CX and SAP QUALTRIX are the «next level» tools that guarantee the construction of the best experience for the most demanding customers.  

User Experience


La possibilità di creare una User Experience coinvolgente è sempre più un elemento discriminante per il successo di ogni nuova applicazione dedicata alle aziendale.

Le app SAPUI5 possono essere create con un alto livello di dinamicità e scalabilità e possono “auto-adattarsi” a seconda del dispositivo da cui si effettua l’accesso. Grazie a questa caratteristica, è possibile garantire una esperienza uniforme a tutti i tipi di utilizzatori.

La possibilità di avere un focus diretto sulla fruibilità, sull’interazione e sul “Touch & Feel” dell’applicazione consente di superare i limiti dei paradigmi tradizionali in ottica di completa integrazione completa con il DB nativo SAP HANA.

L’Openess della soluzione consente di avere da un lato un rendering grafico avanzato mediante l’utilizzo di librerie «effective» garantendo nel contempo una completa integrazione con i servizi esterni (es. Google, Amazon, ecc.) e con i social networks. Questa caratteristica consente di coniugare scenari classici di data explore con Analytics che tendono alla interpretazione di dati non strutturati alimentando processi di “Sentiment Analysis”.