DGS Advances to 21st Place in TOP100 IT Software and Services Ranking of Data Manager and IDC

DGS group advances to 21st position in the Top 100 IT Software and Services 2023 Ranking, confirming remarkable growth. The IDC ratings underline DGS’s important role in digital innovation. With an increase of 76,6 % in revenue in 2022, DGS reconfirms its position among the industry’s top 100 companies.
In the recent 2023 edition of Data Manager’s Top 100 IT Software and Services Ranking, DGS achieved a prominent position reaching 21st place and confirming a steady rise. This result is the result of evaluations conducted by IDC Italy (International Data Corporation), the world leader in market research, consulting and events in the ICT and digital innovation sectors.
The Top 100 Ranking represents an in-depth analysis of the top one hundred companies active in the Italian market, with a specific focus on software and IT services. The ranking is based on sales and performance results for the year 2022 in Italy, and is divided into five distinct market segments.
IDC estimates that the combined data in the ranking represents more than 80 % of the total value of players in Italy, providing a comprehensive overview of the IT sector in the country.
DGS continues to consolidate its position among the top 100 companies in the field of software and IT services in Italy in 2021/2022. In detail, it recorded a turnover of EUR 217.9 million in 2022, marking a remarkable increase of 76,6 % compared to the previous year.
For more details and to see the entire ranking, click here.