



Process management

The advanced methodologies of i3, supported by suitable IT tools, make it possible to drastically improve the efficiency and maturity of the design processes, leading to significant savings on orders. It is evident that, in a moment of generalized crisis, the improvement of the ability to manage changes during construction, to verify and validate what has been designed and developed, to reduce overall design, development, integration and test times, can become a real survival factor. i3 deals with systems design processes, in any industrial, service or research context.

Configuration management

i3 over the years has gained experience in the field of Configuration Management. The CM has the purpose of controlling and managing the activities (both documentary and implementation) that lead to the production of software, parts, assemblies, installations, etc. This activity always relies on a database (database) where the objects subjected to configuration control are stored (the Configuration Items). One of the functions performed by the Configuration Control system is to correlate the various archived objects with each other in relation to a software product, while at the same time keeping track of the various versions of the objects and their applicability (version management, sometimes called versioning).

Training courses

i3 is structured to provide high quality professional training services through the use of professionals specialized in specific engineering sectors.


i3 technicians are able to design and analyze mechanical and electrical details with the most advanced CAD and structural analysis software currently most commonly used.